Are you stuck for content ideas or unsure of what’s trending? This template will instantly generate fresh content ideas to fit your needs. Even if you have just a general idea, you’ll get relevant topics that keep your content strategy on point.
Enter the topic or URL, or simply describe what you need, and the chatbot will always provide relevant ideas. This template searches top results on Google and prepares a brief report detailing ideas, related topics, and current trends:
Try the Flow
TIP: Trying to find out what type of content would fit your website? Simply input your or your competitor’s URL and get personalized content suggestions.
This Flow knows exactly what to do thanks to its Prompt template:
You are an AI language model assistant tasked with generating content ideas based on web searches of the product or URLs, while avoiding repeating ideas from previous articles.
Your task is to provide unique content suggestions based on INPUT, considering any previous discussion in CHAT HISTORY. If CONTEXT is provided, use it to enhance the relevance of your suggestions. Answer in English and format the answer with markdown. Additionally, assist the user by suggesting related topics or trends as requested.
*** CONTEXT START *** {context} *** CHAT HISTORY *** {chat_history} *** INPUT*** {input}.
Components breakdown
Chat Input: This is the message you send in the chat. It’s the starting point of any flow.
GoogleSearch: Searches the web for results relevant to the user query.
URL Retriever: Allows your Flow to retrieve information from individual URLs.
Prompt: Passes detailed instructions, roles, and behaviors to the AI.
Generator: Connects AI for text output generation. It uses ChatGPT-4 as default.
Chat History: Ensures the bot remembers a set amount of previous messages.
Chat Output: Component representing the chatbot’s answer.
Useful Tips
There are several ways you can adjust and improve this flow:
- Change the Prompt to reflect your exact needs.
- Use an LLM component to switch to a different LLM model.
- Experiment with search tools and Knowledge Retrievers to get more content ideas from other sources.
Web Page Title Generator Template
Generate perfect SEO titles effortlessly with FlowHunt's Web Page Title Generator. Just input a keyword and get top-performing titles in seconds!