Flesch-Kincaid Readability Tool

Check your Flesch-Kincaid Readability Score with our AI Readability Evaluator. Paste your text and get the result in a second. The free chatbot is currently limited to 5 messages per hour. Flesch-Kincaid Readability score from URL Paste the competitor’s URL to compare their level of Readability to yours. A better score helps users understand the…
Flesch-Kincaid Readability Tool

Check your Flesch-Kincaid Readability Score with our AI Readability Evaluator. Paste your text and get the result in a second.

The free chatbot is currently limited to 5 messages per hour.

Flesch-Kincaid Readability score from URL

Paste the competitor’s URL to compare their level of Readability to yours. A better score helps users understand the content, remember it, and return to the website. Good user signals might also help with SEO.

This free chatbot is limited to 2 messages per hour.

Flesch-Kincaid AI Readability Rewriter

This chatbot uses AI to evaluate your content and simplify it. The current Flesch-Kincaid target is 60. If your text scores less than that, the Chatbot will rewrite it to be more straightforward.

This free chatbot is limited to 2 messages per hour.

What are Flesch-Kincaid metrics?

Named after Rudolf Flesch and J. Peter Kincaid, Flesch-Kincaid metrics were created for the U.S. Navy in 1975. The formula enabled the U.S. Navy to evaluate and simplify its technical manuals. The U.S. also has a law that requires legal documents to be written in English with a score of 60 or higher.

Looking for something different? Build it in FlowHunt

After signing up (free), you can change different properties to customize the tool. The tool’s structure (Flow) can be changed as well. Would you like to use the Readability Tool with documents? Change the URL Retriever for a Document Retriever to use uploaded documents from the workspace. All common file types are supported.

Flesch-Kincaid is not enough? We’ve got you covered

FlowHunt supports 9 different readability metrics: Flesch-Kincaid, Flesch, Dale Chall, ARI, Coleman Lieu, Gunning Fog, SMOG, Spache, and Linsear Write.

There is also an item called Statistics that shows information about the number of words in a sentence, the number of characters in words, the number of polysyllabic words in a sentence, the average words per sentence, and the average syllables per word.

What does the Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease mean?

Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease scores text from 1 to 100, where 1 is the most difficult to read, and 100 is the easiest to read. It can also be described in grades, like in school.

ScoreU.S. School GradeReading Difficulty
90–1005th gradeExtremely easy to read
80–906th gradeConversational English for consumers
70–807th gradeQuite easy to read
60–708th and 9th gradeEasily understood by 13- to 15-year-old students
50–6010th to 12th gradeSomewhat difficult to read
30–50CollegeDifficult to read
0–30College graduate and ProfessionalExtremely difficult to read

How to use our Flesch-Kincaid Tool?

Enter the URL into the chatbot above to get your Flesch-Kincaid Score and Grade. Compare the score with your competitors to see whose text is easier to understand. Remember that most Americans understand the text on the 7th to 8th level. Try to reach at least 60 Flesch-Kincaid Score.

What are the Flesch-Kincaid Ease and Grade formulas?

Flesch-Kincaid ease formula: 206.835 – 1.015 x (words/sentences) – 84.6 x (syllables/words)

Flesch-Kincaid grade formula: 0.39 x (words/sentences) + 11.8 x (syllables/words) – 15.59

How can I improve my Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease score?

You can improve the Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease score by writing short, concise sentences with fewer words. Shorter words are usually easier to read, too.

You can also use Flow or our Flesch-Kincaid AI Readability Rewriter to improve the Readability. In FlowHunt, you do this by adding two components, Prompt and Generator, and connecting them in the same order:

Click on Prompt, and in the sidebar on the right, open Enter Text there paste the prompt example:

You are a skilled copywriter. 
Your task is to evaluate readability of input document.
If it is lower than 60 for flesch kincaid you need to improve it and return text with readability over 60.
If readability is over 60, return original text


--- TEXT ---

Save the flow, open the chatbot with the button, and paste the URL or text you want to improve.

Any trouble building Flows? We are always willing to help, contact us.

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