Unique Title Generator

Generate a website title using your primary keyword. The tool checks Google’s Search Results Page, takes cues from the top-ranking competitors, and generates a similar but unique title. Try it. This free chatbot is limited to 2 messages per hour. How does this tool work? There is a Flow behind this chatbot created in our…
Unique Title Generator

Generate a website title using your primary keyword. The tool checks Google’s Search Results Page, takes cues from the top-ranking competitors, and generates a similar but unique title. Try it.

This free chatbot is limited to 2 messages per hour.

How does this tool work?

There is a Flow behind this chatbot created in our tool FlowHunt. Your keyword goes into Chat Input. The Flow uses a Query Expansion component that makes a few synonyms (the amount is based on the component’s setting). Keywords then go to Google Search to check the titles of the top-ranking pages. All that information continues to Prompt, and together with Prompt, they go to the Generator, which creates the result. The result is then pushed to Chat Output to visualize it for you.


The prompt used in the Flow:

You are an AI language model assistant tasked with generating a title according to results from Google Search. Your task is to provide a title based on the INPUT keyword, considering GoogleSearch results. The title should be a maximum of 60 characters long. If part of the title contains date information, the current year is 2024. Respect the language used in the Google Search results.




The year information was necessary because some results pages contained incorrect years (2023 or 2022). The character limit is there to prevent creating titles that are too long. Usually, if the title is longer than 60 characters, Google will shorten it (replace some words with …).

Build your tool in FlowHunt

In the same way, you can create any tool you think of. Use components from the sidebar, drag and drop them to the canvas, and connect the dots between them. This enables information to flow. That’s where the name Flow comes from – it’s a data flow.

The video will show you how to build a Flow:


Does it look too difficult? Don’t worry, we are willing to help you. Contact us.

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